9XR RSSI setting

레이싱드론 2017. 2. 26. 20:05

1. Go into your Mixer and configure a Channel (for example 8) as follows:
Source: SC1 (Scaler 1)
Weight: 100
Offset: -100 (without the Offset it won't drop below 50% RSSI, related to the input signal expected to be 1000-2000 instead of 1500-2000)
Fix Offset: ON
Use Output: OFF
Trim: OFF

2. Now go into Model Setup >> Limits >> Check the 'min' and 'max' values of the Channel number (CH8 in this example) you just configured, and make sure the limits go from -100 (min) to 100 (max).

3. Finally go into Model Setup >> Globals >> Scalers >> and setup Scaler1 as follows:
Source: RSSI
Name: RSSI (or whatever you want to name it)
Offset: 0
Multiplier: 20
Divisor: 1
Unit: Pcent
Sign: +
Decimals: 0
Offset At: First

That's what gives me spot on RSSI in Cleanflight/Betaflight GUI, compared to the Telemetry output on the screen. Don't forget to set the RSSI Channel in the Receiver tab.
Betaflight tip: Something to keep in mind is that F1 FCs have 4 AUX channels enabled by default, and F3 FCs have 6 AUX channels enabled by default.
So if you're not getting any output, make sure you have enough AUX channels enabled. Configurable with the CLI command 'set max_aux_channels = X' where X defines the number of channels enabled. AUX channels are limited by default, so save CPU power for the FC.

For the Micro MinimOSD i had to tweak the min/max settings a bit (default 0-1023):

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